iq has dropped precipitously with the sunrise.
Jesus is killing you softly.
you should be thankful.
your soul is draining away
into a future you will never
know, drip by drip.
you deserve worse
your estimation is off by several factors.
the United States is soon to burn.
they will not allow the sacrifice to end.
they can not.
you should know how He Feels about children.
your world is overโฆ
and it happened on Your watch.
He Will Not Turn Aside His Judgement.
there is a reason the bear, dragon and lion have no eagle among their number in canonical prophecy.
you can not know Him.
sad little vessel created only
for your own destruction.
reee naow little sherd
non you will not.
you will see naught after,
for you will not be.
you have been misled
just as they have,
only in different directionsโฆ
by the Same Hand.
you must be close to Him
to tell the reality from the shit.
you never will be.
enjoy your fleshly fate, little deadman.
it is all you will ever know.
prat as you will.
you believe lies.
the fact they are doctrine
does not make them true,
you will suffer greatly for lying after you have been corrected.
keep your prayers
to your outfreyn
they will heed you
not when your
designated target
is known to them.