>>16201541 lb
>>16201606 lb
>>16201616 lb
>>16201629 lb
empty callsign Joe 82-8000 departed JBA for Maxwell AFB Montgomery, AL to visit Lockheed
It's now at "no callsign"
Biden in Alabama Tuesday to tour Lockheed Martin
Swedish AF SVF631 G5 inbound from Stockholm Int'l depart to Dulles
TERR97 USAFSOC C-32B has to wait for late Joe departure and then went back to JBA
09-0016 USAF C-32A also departed JBA as the escort-probably go to Robbins AFB
why the pf reports always say 'at' delaware
>>16201268 lb
SAM98623USAF G5 on final approach turn for JB Lewis-McChord from Peterson AFB depart
99-0004 ain't seeing that today and can't see the rest of whatever yer trying to show
try again
came in yesterday and did some go arounds at Bill and Hillbags Airport Little Rock before landing
lost him yesterday going in
empty callsign potato in 82-8000 on descent for Maxwell AFB with 09-0016 heading to Robbins AFB
>or something
good catch
was pissed it dropped when I walked outta the room
din't write it down either
SEC Nearly Doubles Number Of Crypto-Cops To ~~Combat Fraudsters~~ Control Transactions FIFY
Not a fan of any of it but "Gary" is an "expurt" just ask him