they wont be able to walk the streets.
One small example. title is the summary. It would be bigger news if this was Mass or Utah.
they wont be able to walk the streets.
One small example. title is the summary. It would be bigger news if this was Mass or Utah.
>>16208269otable- would be great if this could be done class action.
Who leaked to a โฆ
The ratio is astoundting at the lack of self awareness giventhe immdediate acceptance of Mike Ishicoiff for taking the fake FISA bait (or being to to by yahoo news)
TLDR- when the commicrats do it to conservatives it's ok.
Spekulcation- she sure had her education handed to her on a silver platter. How much privilege does she have? A PHD in Gender-WTF
she is such a bitch and looks angry all the time
can you sauce that list or is this just a dump and run?
Sauce? or is this a dump and run?
product of her brainwashing. How will the mass deprogramming work?
the NWO that is Germany told it's female citizens to follow sharia law because they no longer have fre4edom due to appeasment and the higher priority given to non citizen muslim male rapefugeesโฆwho raped them. You think they will pay attention to a petition?
good show. do all the towers
The commiecrats have burned through the billions in BLM funneled money. Knew that when they paid off the witches with a few mansions. So now they need to use baby killing as a fund raiser from the stupid, selfish, slutty, and demonic. Same shits say keep your laws off my body fucking cheered the clot shot- they and ree in hell.
Is this about a woman's right to choose OR SOMETHING ELSE? (It's both because only women have babies and it's about western genocide and re0placement population- the famous you can overpopulate the world it's bad for the planet to here you must take all these tird world rapefugees.)
Do you know the market price for a fetus? (yep)
Who is family โyโ? (I have no clue who Y is no one has found a blunt and direct answer in open source)
Will action be taken by DOJ/FBI? (They will scrub it)
Change of Batter coming? (I have no clue other than more waiting. Batter for who? The bad guys or teh good guys?)
The clock is ticking. (It hasn't stopped ticking since 2015)
The hole is deep. (yep, and with tunnels)
Knowledge is power. (sure is, wish i had more)
It must be controlled.
Vital to get right. (yes but how do we know?)
Support will always be provided [undisclosed methods]. (I hope so, could use some open source)
WHAT A WONDERFUL DAY. (not yet, because no hangings today)
wheres the links to these twats? Sauce it
her life was certainly served up to her on a silver platter. Privileged enuf? Whose her daddy?
Pro choice- but not for forced experimental gene therapy shots!
wait..whut. The mathโฆ
cant afford too 'pensive
how about men and women practice morality or at least birth control to avoid a risky and expensive procedure?
yes you can get lovely made in teh USA vintage glass and household items. stop supporting chinks. Buy vintage. it's better and clearly lasts.
they all got paid off. who fucking cares about celibritards and entertainment workers. Pic related
yet the nfl is making money because the lack of will to boycott the woke. Sportsball is more dangerous than movies IMHO. The idea was to make it very painful to the woke. Now Kap a knee has his job back because boo fucking who he deserves a second chance. What that tells me is someone got a phone call from somebody. No one gives anon second chances.
this is true so we need to up the morality so there will be less unwanted pregnancies that exposes risk to abortion. We also need to stop the rape 100%. How do we get ALL people to keep their clothing on and stop being slutty?. How do we stop human sex trafficking? Well we stop the demand for it. How do you stop the demand for it? Anon doesnt know.
obama is a muslim ans aborting male children is a crime.