>>16209462 lb
>It's biology
and who invented biology?
>Biology can explain
how to explain biology? What makes it work? Why does it works like it works?
>They rely on data, not Prayer.
Who invented all the things, you need to see the data? I mean the materials to build machines to measure data, to process data, to put something together to see the data, print the data… Why is the data, the data it is? Was there something before something like the data was known? Was there something before this universe? and before and before and will be after?
Humans think, they can explain everything, with the capacity of a human brain…
Why it works, as it works is the question! And the question could be answered very easy… But there is that ego problem!
>In biology some pregnancies survive
>Some don't
Everybody has to learn specific things during this personal journey… Cause and effect on a ride, that never ends!