After stirring up the doomsday cult
And convincing a small group of fundies that Trump is the second coming of Jesus
Who then fucked his fellow citizens in the ass
Wouldn't you hide?
After stirring up the doomsday cult
And convincing a small group of fundies that Trump is the second coming of Jesus
Who then fucked his fellow citizens in the ass
Wouldn't you hide?
40,000 different denominations of "being saved" kind of waters down the idea
I'm not a HELLinized Jew, so your little threats don't scare me. Wake up, sheep, you've been lied to.
According to the Center for the Study of Global Christianity (CSGC) at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, there are approximately 41,000 Christian denominations and organizations in the world today. This statistic takes into consideration cultural distinctions between denominations in different countries, so there is an overlapping of many denominations.
The changing of the seasons
Those are the things that nothing can stop
To ascribe "armageddon" as unstoppable is xtian fear porn to keep the sheep afraid, in line, and waiting for a supernatural savior instead of saving themselves.
Wow, the Truth bothers you so much that you have to resort to ad hominem attacks on anonymous people. You sound like a Typical Christian steeped in the worship of YHWH/Satan, who hates the truth.
If your "Heaven" is filed with nasty judgmental pricks like you, I'll be glad to be elsewhere. It feels good to know that your fear porn is just lies from your lying masters though.
I've no idea who that is, and you still have no intellectual response, just more ad hominem, which makes you the shill.
That's Rome speaking from the Chair of Peter.
Reject Peter and he (the church) will reject you
As the church controls the world, you don't want to be on the bad side of those evil bastards.
Worship at the feet of The Pope, or be cast out as a heretic and feed to the wolves.
Make sense?
You really don't think "religiosity" is behind the constant political drumbeat of "America was founded on Judeo-Christian (Roman) values, and we're gonna keep it that way" bullshit?
Why wouldn't it be?
It was founded on a corrupt belief system
Which was founded on an older corrupt belief system
The whole family is corrupt