msmpingponging all over the no table - kunt keep a single thread of thar narrative going.., and real news just shines light on all the scurrying cockroaches
baby killer shrieks
only women right to choose, my body my choice
don't know what a women is
any non gender can carry clump of tissue
let all things live! baby killers health practitioners
listen you can hear psucki whistlingf janki
masonic trips confirm the cain and abel scenario
it would be same as beginning of the story - blood crying out from the earth
he is fbi…
global groomer grifter
dumbfucks working overtime to ruin America with one turn of the interest rates instead of the oil pipeline spigot
baby killers hiring paid mercenaries
fbi supported janki informed
brandon soviets vuild fortresses to protect the global groomers protecting selves from their own paid band of savage baby killers
dhs fbi authoritiies - mayorka magoo
80% are not extremists - they are Americans
really psuckis that Brandon calls the rest of the 20% stupid enemy of the nation