>Am I the only one tired of this shit show?
A bunch of 3+ hour long Day Shift breads lately would seem to indicate the answer is nope, nigga, you ain't.
>Am I the only one tired of this shit show?
A bunch of 3+ hour long Day Shift breads lately would seem to indicate the answer is nope, nigga, you ain't.
Watch the damn movie, anons.
Whatever it takes to prevent 3 hour breads from becoming the new normal around here.
Day Shift is reaching new depths of absurdity with this bread.
Need to send one of the Pences back to 2018 to post the caps on QR back then.
Even if not it's still better than the No Q absolute state this place is becoming.
Now would be the perfect time for BV Dart to "accidentally" nuke a bread again.