The Russians forgot that the reason they were in a leveraged position was because of me. They relegated me to the other side for a movie, and that doesn't change who wins. Maybe they learned that. Maybe they didn't, but putting me on a different team never makes you a winner. It does make you on the other side of me.
I bet reddit wishes they'd never fucked with me.
Thanks. I was told about 4 years ago DC is filled with psychos. My job was to be a better one than them.
Like you're any better.
Do you think I really have to?
I'd rather have 62 UIDs that get me than gwap that don't while they pretend. Love you assholes.
If God will send you to hell for pretending to be him, how do you think the devil feels when a nigga like me pretends to be him?
That why you'll never be I.
Wish away, faggot. You pray for what the side you hate does for free. Idiot.
The left can't meme.
Amy other anons relate to this?
Okay baby. You know you're it. I'm only interested in you. You know that, boo.