Anonymous ID: e0c7cf May 5, 2022, 8:40 p.m. No.16219353   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9483 >>9590

Anons free in cyberspace!


Free Speech is what is permitted by law.


If the people want less speech, they can vote for politicians who censor, but if the people want more speech not less, it is illegal to use government powers to violate 1st amendment.


Information is information is information is…




The dismantling IS the dismantling of a 'hidden enemy', a terrible determinist ideology, aka, inconsistent outputs, each 'side' of the contradiction / negation projected out into the world where all along it was a ritualistic 'expressionism' that spread the globe creating a form of physical 're-enactment' of the initial dialectic introduction from the individual human being who then performs an expression of the source being who the subject would inconsistently apply a name reference of guilty with no evidence which is a reference variable to the inter-subjective engagement of informational outputs, and so on as you may wish to start at any way and iterate, the point Anon making is this dialectic form of logical associations and resonations of mutual understanding of energy sources, Anon know when being falsely accused of something, just like all Anons here Dan…oh…ok let that go…autocorrect I guess…just like all Anons here can== sense it.


Anon thinking in waves and energy to from back forth play the game see it for how it can impact such a large number of minds (people) that a re-shaping of humanity where we each become participants in the generations of information flows and iterative expressionism in meta language view of how it could have happened in the first place that perhaps takes a lot of 'informational/spiritual' experience of LIVING a free and welcome to ALL MINDS aNon-accusatory-dialectic as the true interface we are all sharing right now is coded for sources generating, transforming, and communicating information over a pipeline, and that pipeline is 'reality' to the receiver who we all tell each other our minds 'must' ONLY conform to the instantiation of merely one object in cyberspace.


There are an infinite number of every unique code for everyone on the planet forever no matter how many people there are and no matter how much 'information' is outputted by everyone together.


We have an infinite number of unique identifiers to code everything.


Complex formal information systems which Anon guesses is logically consistent description of at the very least an entire planet Earth.


What happens when the human race becomes unified and the inconsistencies EXPOSED and Anon thinks solution is achieved even if no further death or destruction. The 'prison' for the worst initiators of dialectic 'knowing' deception would be the Earth itself.


Earth proves to universe it controlled its dialectic inconsistencies and can join galaxy, at the least.



Anonymous ID: e0c7cf May 5, 2022, 8:48 p.m. No.16219394   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The Earth was smeared as a place of exile for certain 'high minded' mystics.


Earth is only a prison to those who refuse to stop introducing deception into the world through infiltration of high bandwidth information nodes such as media, pedowood, and federal agencies/executive.


Anon looks back on what would have happened had the foreign infiltration mainly by deception which is hard to detect unless you have access to you know nsa level tech.


Ah anon can dream.

Anonymous ID: e0c7cf May 5, 2022, 8:53 p.m. No.16219410   🗄️.is 🔗kun has good story.


Wayne Gretzky, aka The Great One, participated in his own meme-ification on Thursday during the NHL on TNT broadcast.


Gretzky held up sign with a famous quote from the long-running sitcom "The Office," which once famously referenced him. The network shared a photo of the monumental event on social media.


For the uninitiated, the incompetent but well-intentioned boss character from the show, Michael Scott [played by actor Steve Carell], once posted an inspirational quote on a conference room board for his fictional workers.


[Anon likes this part:]

Scott attributed the quote to Gretzky but then quoted himself as having said that Gretzky said it, so it wasn't necessarily a Gretzky quote as much as a quote Scott was saying Gretzky said. It was a very Michael Scott thing to do in the world of the show.


Despite the series finishing in 2013, "The Office" has lived on via various streaming services and, of course, the memes it has spawned, including the Gretzky one.


Gretzky actually signed the poster board under where Scott wrote his own name in attribution, so now it reads as a Gretzky attributed quote said by Scott and signed by Gretzky.


Got all that?

Anonymous ID: e0c7cf May 5, 2022, 9:19 p.m. No.16219500   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Can anyone prove without introducing smear or accusation or ad hominem of the source of the question, but why should the question of whether Hitler's family maybe isn't what the 'mainstream/aka HISTORICAL pre cyber space narrative echoes over and over, be required WITHIN THE MINDS of 7,753 million people worldwide that the question is "unforgiveable sin"?


Anon heating those terms being made by military generals and tri family members in a weirdly inconsistent way.


Tri family logic introduces statement of observation of another that is in fact a psychological projection of their own self-alienated knowing deception in discourse.


So, the statement "Unforgiveable sin":

Cult owned press node 'Politico' publishes leaked draft.

Constitutionally a full frontal assault on the informational sanctity of the SCOTUS…


Now Anon know why military Intel and nsa only way.


The information game the deceivers play, where people are mere pawns, is as close to hell as a mind could go in unfortunately creating physical threats that destroy information elsewhere on the planet.


Expose them all Q, when the people know that the deception can result in millions and billions of painful horrible deaths of human bodies whose minds temporarily (in time) trusted it…


The world needed to see the information behind the firewall a criminal network of scam artists, LOUD 'woe is me' victim card narrative from the same sources that CREATED 90% OF THEOBJECTS OF INFORMATION.


Infinite number of ways to code what a meta language can see as inconsistency cesspools claiming intellectual and ideological superiority.


That isn't a step forward, it's an origination of pure self-consumption plasticization of the human race, which will from the center point of Earth look like 'a gigantic empire' that future historians are to echo by virtue of the information objects transferred and saved for future recall.


The EXTREME information warfare being waged by the radical left psychos in DC, and and Langley, and…


Anon remembers when info dropped on DATA TRANSFERS from US elections sites to Frankfurt, Germany.


How can any voter in America look at that and say that should occur?


How can any voter have any awareness let alone voting power to have controls over their private data?


Boom that is the door of all doors.

Anonymous ID: e0c7cf May 5, 2022, 9:21 p.m. No.16219505   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9514 >>9550


They hid themselves behind good jews.


That way, when muhjoos muhjoo, the good jews get caught in the cross fire, and that is how the dialectic cult of retardation goes round and round and round.


Where so they stop?


Nobody knows!


They do.



Anonymous ID: e0c7cf May 5, 2022, 9:26 p.m. No.16219532   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9594

Strings that trigger the shills who on a daily basis suck at controlling the dialogue of anyone else:


Good Jews exist.


Jews who are good exist.


Anon has absolute proof in mind, and it is already true by the time this syntax gets to a shill reader who introduces false dialectic of "proof or false".


Nah, Anon no need to prove to Anon. If one Anon know, all Anons know.


No amount of dialectic strings will do the shills any good.


We just watch them seeethe and reeeee, of their own doing. They're doing it to themselves.


Good luck with that strategy.

Anonymous ID: e0c7cf May 5, 2022, 9:36 p.m. No.16219566   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9605


Doxxing and then siccing liberal npc army on SCOTUS Justice family homes, that is an unforgiveable sin.


Psaki refuses to call for no protests at SCOTUS justices HOMES WHERE THEIR CHILDREN LIVE.


They're going all in, they know it's life or death for them.


They brought it on themselves.


Projection is not the blame of anyone except the projector.

Anonymous ID: e0c7cf May 5, 2022, 9:47 p.m. No.16219605   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9612


The radical left army are knowingly willingly refusing to engage truth with public that this draft of undoing what was implemented 1973, is at root a constitutionally consistent determination that laws regarding abortion is a STATE POWER, because nowhere in the Constitution does it EVER EVEN COME CLOSE TO EVEN 'INDIRECTLY' EXERCISE ANY POWER WHATSOEVER ABOUT ANY WOMAN'S BODY.




If populations of states want to legalize it then the Constitution says the Feds cannot stop those states.


But, if states DO vote to save children's lives, then they cannot be stopped by the Feds.


If as the media and radical left and grooming creepy public schools all present as so true that you're supposed to feel like an idiot if you don't conform to it, that abortion is such a huge massive wave support ideology, then it would be reflected in state elections. Logic.


There is NO EXCUSE for this leak and there is even less excuse for doxxing the justices homes.


The world is learning more about the evil the more it fucking persists like a cancer that needs to end already.

Anonymous ID: e0c7cf May 5, 2022, 10:03 p.m. No.16219650   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Q: "Is the Dossier disinformstion"


Board of Disnformation: "I am not in a position to opine on that."


Kek, nuked from orbit.


How can a board claiming to be a source of corrections to disinformation, you know, BY PUBLISHING THOSE FINDINGS?


If the system is bugging out and failing to output even a basic statement that world already knows as AUTHOR ADMITTED was disinformation, um, if any cyber system whose business rule was to identify and output references to information objects as either information (true) or disinformation (false).


Anon prefer different nomenclature.


Instead of dividing 'information' into two, duplicating 'formation' with 'in' appended to one and 'dis' appended to the other.


True False just fine for boolean.


Is content of Dossier True or False?




If federal level agency power cannot even pass a simple boolean test, I would say shelve it immediately, delete the whole thing, it's unsalvageable.


A simple test of boolean logic of ENGAGEMENT/DISCOURSE fails when the tests are applied to a now clearly identified network based on pattern recognition…


If you can't even interface with the people you're claiming to be protecting successfully by a simple true false function call and waiting for return value…


"I am not in a position to opine on that"


Sooooo, that means ANY INFORMATION OBJECT whatsoever cannot be 'opined' as True or False, or Information vs Disinformation?


The guy admitted any assessment from that 'Board' would all be OPINING.


Opinions ought not guide laws.


Knowing True and False tests and passing them is reciprocal association.