>Kek, Anon sees ancient religion in the loudest 'anti' 'Religionists'.
Outcomes vs Actions
I once had a boss tell me to do a project, to achieve a specific outcome, and then proceed to attempt to tell me exactly how they wanted it done, steps, timeframes etc.
I replied that I could either provide them the outcome they wanted, OR follow their prescribed steps but perhaps not achieve the outcome, and asked them to choose. They opted for getting the outcome they wanted, so I proceeded, produced, and they were happy, and learned a lesson.
Bigger point
NO ONE knows "What God Wants". But, many have prescribed sets of actions to do, or not do, to "please God's desires".
The focus becomes on the steps, and not the outcome, and perfecting the "way" to follow the steps, yet still NO ONE knows the outcome of following the steps, spiritually speaking.
The truth is, there is no one set of prescribed steps from "on high", and there are bazillions of sets from our fellow humans, all jockeying to be "The Way"…perfect uniformity, while creating constant conflict. If conflict is the goal, then telling other people how they must live to "please some theoretical God", while trying to survive in this reality, is a great was of achieving it. If peace is the goal, then the opposite seems the logical choice.