anyone know why last bread got locked?
I'll take super advanced fuckery for $1000, Alex
inb4 post deleted
loopy kabuki is loopy
>The deleted posts remain in your browser, until you refresh itโฆ.
not when you show up to the bread after its already been deleted
>reeeeeeing as recently as early January about admin bans/deletes are suddenly aok about it now.
"banhammer OSS" that permabanned everyone?
makes more sense that was 100% fabricated
OSS has been impersonated plenty of times
especially in light of how new management uses "OSS" past actions as a blanket defense of their censorship
muhOSS - banning/ deletion spree
new management - banning/ deletion spree
whats different?
chek'd and saved
archive offline
everything is fake and ghey until it isnt anymore
without a tripcode I lean towards larp
but tracking anyway
server "crashes" as reported by watkins yesterday adds to spoopyness
possibly unrelated
possibly related
future will
thank you for saving
>well mostly
tfw eBot makes sense
oldfag anons know eBot isnt just a random text generator
>too spoopy not to note
this anon agrees
I still lean towards fake and ghey
becuase I am absolutely pessimistic about everything
but there are definitely elements to the posting pattern that defy simple explanation
>member when you could im an ip
>dahell was that program
anon has fond memories of text based MoRPG's over telent
ip adress and port number is all you needed to connect to someones server
irc chatrooms are pretty close to that