And you can tell he's a good guy because he IP hops while he does it.
Paid shill. It's like a shit stain up the wall.
SAM997, SAM949 Up
Two GLF5s up and about.
Mapping to Q posts.
You sound like a pleasant and well balanced individual.
Fuckin' moran.
You have no evidence of me being a jew.
However you have provided ample evidence that you are a moran.
Prove it.
I'm not BTW.
But I'm sure you'll continue to dribble on with your paranoid projection. More hard evidence that you are a fucking moran.
Boy you really do use the same playbok from 2018.
Sad, stupid, unoriginal cunt.
Here's the canned response from 2018.
Cry moar.
Q told us who they are.
You go on mute for being interminably boring.
They played 2000 mules.
And Trump gets to comment.
Wonder what he might say tonight.
He might look at the weather and say something about a storm or somethingโฆ.
It's Popcorn Friday!!!
Nice to see thousands of like minded patriots when all the stupid-box shows are trannies and reeing libs.
Take your bigot bullshit and shove it firmly up your surgically created vagina.
Shurrup Yabiggitkunt