They're self-imprisoned, outputting an endless loop of negation after negation after negation, an insane method to solve a non-existent 'problem'.
"The worst 5 Presidents, Biden is worse" - Q+
This anon's mind is developing and succeeding in life in all ways by riding a consistent iterative wave rather than the chaos of induced schism at source that compels all statements from a unified source that is one consciousness, to be by the narrative data type change and 'casted' into a two element fixed implementation of {'as above', 'so below'}.
And then that self-alienated theorem set is PROJECTED and suddenly Anon is being smeared as anti this or pro that, with BOTH the 'this' and the 'that' originating from the same deceitful source(s).
So everyone advocate for or advocate against THIS current thing and then THAT current thing and then this and then that and then up and then down and then type like a wave, of energy like a wave, the 'spell' only succeeds if you trust that 90% of what makes us feel bad about ourselves and each other is from the information structure having the structure it has because information became so weaponized that it impacted physical institutions and…organizations…of people…
Each 'side' has a set of 'power brokers' to shape the political structure of government to be warped by this inconsistent code.
whatever this new cyber-real
In order for anon and other anons to listen, voices cannot be silenced.