Dr Oz is the fall guy.
Trump outed him sleeping around and is giving him endorsement. This is move is a million leagues worse than "grab them by the pussy" and it's so deranged that the left will eat it up as legitimate. Oz was probably the only man who was willing to be practically smeared by the man endorsing him, Donald J Trump. [Actual president?]
That's because he's practically a plant. An Oprah- tier medical celebrity advocating for trans kids, v@x, all the wild shit Repubs are against, and Trump is endoring him. DJT is clearly smarter than that, if we're really believing in this plan.
[Calculated move.]
Eyes on pundits, Posbiec, Timcast, Joe Rogan, X22, all the daily briefings and prayer shit on Rumble, whatever deepstate shill you give money to. Let's see where this move takes the Left, maybe Trump is investigated and arrested? First arrest would shock the world, and it's either Clinton, Biden, or Trump in my opinion.
Calling it now. Isn't it poetic that Dr. Oz may in fact be the man [behind the curtain]?
>pic related, its me during civil war 2