Anonymous ID: 66f292 May 6, 2022, 9:19 p.m. No.16227123   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7144


>You believe all that bullshit?

>Why would CERN tell you the truth, peasant?


ALL SCIENCE IS FAKE. (except the science that makes computers, the internet, satellites, etc possible so you can spew your retarded shill bullshit across the planet in milliseconds… THAT science is real. but the rest is FAKE.)


you're so stupidly predictable… you just had to add the word peasant at the end, to make sure we all knew you are a glownigger shill.



>they will not.


and the other half of shill team six predictable outs themself with a reply 4 seconds later.

you CLOWNS suck at your job. KYS.