For the common cold? For a disease almost nobody died from? I'll pass and take my chances with the cold virus.
Outer space. Wow!!! I love those stories. So awesome.
Look at the ingredients in the covid jabs. Chlorine is on that list. Gullible brainwashed fools got themselves injected with chlorine among other garbage ingredients after mocking Trump. Stupid people are stupid.
They are not stupid. They are evil. They chose evil. The payoff? Glory, adoration, respect, ego, ego, ego, ego.
They are all evil. If any of them were good then they'd be standing against the evil ones adamantly. But they don't Complicit. Evil.
Also: choosing to be ignorant. Choosing not to question everything and find the truth. Is a choice to be evil. Ignorance is a choice. Gathering knowledge is a choice.
Hosea 4:6
Every person has responsibility. Choices. Sounds like she is beginning the repentance and still has a lot of work to do to make up for all the harm she's caused and been complicit in for so long. Hopefully she starts making better choices from now on.
Nobody has any valid excuses. "I didn't know" and "I never questioned it" are not valid excuses. Ignorance is a choice. Knowledge is a choice. Ignorance is very dangerous. Ignorance is not "cool" or acceptable in any way.
>but everybody is doing it
Not a valid excuse.
Evil is evil no matter how anyone tries to make lame excuses for it.
Are you assuming that they have good hearts, anon? Many people have chosen evil willfully. Knowingly. While some others are just ignorantly following along (as your fren did for so long).
That's the false sense of status. That is not success. I know success and it doesn't come with a paycheck or being idolized.
Step 1 - the people need to face themselves and the choices they've made. Then repent. Really repent. Only then can we all move on to step 2.
Step 2 - we dismantle the evil system and put it right.