so when durham wraps everything up and it turns out to just be some names nobody has ever heard of and nothing but small fish take the fall, what will be the next goal post?
kek, if america lasts that long
going to be real life demolition man with only 2 classes when it's all over
the super rich and the not as rich but still rich
the majority, who live paycheck to paycheck will all be dead
maybe that was the goal all along
one big club
ghost cities in chinkland will be inhabited soon by the chosen ones
even the elites need their entertainment
just like the royal kings needed their court jesters
eyes wide shut
and mass hypnosis on a global scale
i won't help you usher in your n(j)ew world order
worldwide depopulation in effect while all the players are on stage acting to keep everyone's attention diverted
please keep arms and feet inside the vehicle at all times until it comes to a complete stop
the only difference between cartels and big pharma companies is the big pharma companies have more money
enough to influence and bribe world governments because they hire guys in those fancy white coats who look through microscopes
remember when they thought clinton cash would bring down the clinton crime syndicateโฆ
yea, it's a lot like that
isn't it funny how if you get pulled over for something by cops and you try that oh i didn't know excuse and their retort is "ignorance of the law is not an excuse for breaking the law" and cite you anyway?
laws are to keep the little people in line, that's it
>He is known for his role as special prosecutor in the 2005 destruction of interrogation tapes created by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), during which he decided not to file any criminal charges related to the destruction of tapes of torture at a CIA facility
guess it won't be surprising when it's just some underlings then
and remember, not all things can be exposed because "it would cause another world war"
what a convenient fucking excuse for elites to keep raping the plebs and bleeding them dry while they all maintain their roles and, most importantly, paychecks
wonder how much the rothschilds pay in gold these days since the rise of bidenflation and all