the future food is bugfood
you will eat the bugs and like it
gif-bro, your post count ….. gettin' kind of high
gif-bro, your post count ….. gettin' kind of high
gif-bro, your post count ….. gettin' kind of high
vaxxies, no refunds
Doctors are drug pushers
Pharmacists are drug dealers
as always……follow the $$$$$$$$
I can't decide if that 60 poster is a bot, or human
It's the regular gif shit-poster, who is getting bolder it seems
I think that the obvious "mistakes" that are being made with the green-screen fakes, prosthetic masks, switching to body-doubles and other blatant clues that are dropped left right and center are very easy to see if you are looking for them with a critical eye
It really IS a movie being replayed for our benefit
Doctors and Pharmacists are compromised from the get-go
kickbacks, freebies, incentives..
they are in the pocket of Big Pharma
I place no trust in them at all
There is no ongoing river of money if big pharma actually offers a cure
they want to keep people ill and dependent on a stream of drugs
look at the vast money that has gone into cancer cure research for decades……nothing cure found, just new treatments
it is all a con, the whole medical/pharma establishment
lots of people are getting rich by keeping people on the drug train for their entire lives
They create "Alters" in children by fracturing their psyche by using severe trauma, often sexual trauma
Create multiple controllable personalities in each child