Alternate History devotee? Interesting branch of Sci-fi, but keep your plot spoilers to yerself.
The Shapers are more important than the placekeeping "Young Global Leaders".
The Azov's have started to use Press Gangs to bolster their ranks, this is end game tactics.
The moar Oz is in the sunlight, the better and better the right honorable Ms. Barnette starts to look. It's working, IMOO.
Well, since the "MuhJudescheiss" Campaign was an utter bust after covfefe, what else they got?
She's fantastic.
Suuurrrreee, when Medicare controls ALL the reimbursement price schedules. All the money gets refocused through that lens. Each state awards one insurer as the redistributor of said payments through all the system, such as BlueCrossBlueShield (PA) controlling all reimbursements to a hospital in IL, which in reality is reimbursed via the payment system run by BCBS (IL). This is wh MDs can be 9-12 months in arrears for services rendered. An OCare designed mess. Even worse when you get to Pharma "Formularies" and that layering.
2X hourly on Saturdays, dontcha know.