Anonymous ID: f1479a May 7, 2022, 6:19 p.m. No.16232185   🗄️.is 🔗kun

When a country's government political organized criminal machine punches you in the nose and screams stop punching me in the nose, you might be a multi-class felon.

Mule/rioter/pole-poll worker/mailman-professor/

$10 a pop just running ballots.

$200 to buy a ballot from a voter.

Buy the whole administration of it all of which political organizers/organizations/non-profits/NGO's/street gangs/illegals/convicts/dead people/politicians/un-Justice leo come under the umbrella of figures like Soros and BuckABerg.

Slayers of votes. Errr I mean swayers.


Only criminals would think of allowing felons, straight out of prison, to vote.

Only criminal groomers of child trafficking ok'ing would want children and illegal aliens to vote.

Only criminals would think to not be I.D.entified while vote stealing or robbing diamonds.

NeeD a few 52 streeEt justiCe series, mmm'K.

>deep thought off
