Ave Maria
This is a real choir slowed 800%. Otherworldly beautiful.
Ave Maria
This is a real choir slowed 800%. Otherworldly beautiful.
Amen. God wins and we help. Then we can have peace and prosperity and truth from then on.
In the getting there…
I had to see why this angelic music video was getting 14M views in 8 months. Now I know, it's very nice.
At least 60 years just to get to this part.
The hard part is getting escape velocity out of the echo chamber since the media is owned by the one's guilty. It's not like they're going to start showing it nightly at prime time on all nets. This is grass roots, but unfortunately, like the data traffic, us knowing about it is great, but we need the public to know and get as pissed as they should be. Sadly they are very stupid and drugged. Still hopeful or I wouldn't be here, but the general public is the victim of a generational dumbing down and morals pollution campaign by those none can criticize.
Pray for divine intervention…men are hardly up to it.