80 to 1 shot huh?
Guess I should saddle back up. Can't do it my own apparently.
80 to 1 shot huh?
Guess I should saddle back up. Can't do it my own apparently.
Gitless coming soon.
I won the Derby, but the NBA game ended exactly the opposite of how I wanted. Oh well. A win is a win 80 to 1 or not I suppose.
Codependent muhfuka say we?
I understand why golden state had to win tonight now. Makes sense.
Guess he's president now. Wouldn't you say?
It's not the input you need to worry about at this point.
No. You believe in the Constitution of the United States or you don't. There is no middle ground.
If we're talking about bulk data collection and satellites, it's about time the output is recognized.
You said they hold the mute button. For what then?
Post a YouTube link and I'll watch it.
I've got one.