it is reeeeeeeing.
that seems to be its function
help it.
a cover
tricia helfer was better.
you help none with your shit.
do you know that?
can you?
your ability to empathize with
others, specifically those upon
whom you inflict your assault
of meaningless font soup,
indicates with an high degree
of reliability the extent of your
тне моаr [you] кnow
some folk you just can`t reach.
honey or vinegar, it is never enough.
they will not bother.
their behavior indicates
an shift in tactics.
their seeming foolishness
one thinks
is exemplary of foreknowledge
leading to confidence in their
they know what is coming
so they can be as bad as they want to be.
everything is His.
how is this so hard to perceive
one does not undestand