2000 Mules
Trans national Terrorist attacks on Scotus
>Tis' fake Black Dick
isn't it
Aye before Arrrg exept after Rarrrrr
Aye Tis' fake black dick Arrrg
PROTIP: Tie that fucking hair back before it gets caught in the drill.
1pbtid x 10
I'm not the notable guy, but this is Notable Maxine Waters style threats.
Here's another terrorist who makes threats.
Transnational terrorists = They/Them
Clif High went silent as devolution fizzled.
every ammo this shit fucker Pelosio gives to nazis will result in another non-nazi ukrainian death by ukranian nazis.
She feeds the suicide of Ukraine. If there was innocent people in Ukraine giving money to nazis won't help them.
This can't be forgiven back stateside either.
>Be careful who you follow.
Who says I follow?
I didn't see Clif High next to my Tracy Beans
>They're a clown nigger
The Label says, "Half Past Human" so what were your expectations? The Ocean doesn't slosh.
Mr 1pbtid
That was watching them debate and then MY opinion based on the topics.
It's fucking Treason, How much graphene is in them now and what happens when a signal hits it