Trump said he thought it was good thing. He didn't tell anyone to do it if they didn't want to nor did he imply/suggests/state that vax-hesitant ppl were idiots.
It's for the best, Clif.
does this turn you on?
Finally - his legacy has meaning.
>Anons' baseline belief system was that a fraction (hopefully a sufficient fraction) of the mil are anti globohomo nationalists
Mil does what they are told to do. If the CiC is antiglobohomo, so is the military. If not, then neither are they. It's a thing. Honoring oaths and whatnot.
Yep, that's certainly a different thing.
It's just not a word that was used in the US to describe getting a shot before COVID, so it's weird hearing/seeing it repeatedly referred to as a "jab".
I agree with the other anon that it's a stupid word.