Anonymous ID: 5c46a1 May 8, 2022, 10:01 p.m. No.16239168   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Senator Heffernan and the 28 Men Accused of Evil


Adams and North do not shy away from the uncomfortable conversations. In March 2021, ITOP did a show titled: “Dark Australian Forces Refuse to Save the Children”.


In this particular program, we covered the allegations which former Senator Heffernan made in Senate Estimates in 2015


In these past few years, this issue has become a major deal among a large section of voters even though the Federal Parliament and the mainstream media refuse to cover the issue. The allegations of a systemic cover-up of criminal activity involving children are perhaps the most serious of allegations one can make.


In the past few years, the Heffernan videos has spread on social media like wildfire and caused significant concerns.


The Federal Parliament and the mainstream media honestly doesn’t appreciate how significant this issue is among ordinary Australian voters.


Unfortunately, this issue is not going away and the longer the Heffernan allegations go unanswered, the more these allegations will continue to fester and cause widespread mistrust of Australia’s institutions and undermine democracy and the rule of law.


Adams and North have some news to cover on this. In the past week, Adams has spoke with two senators on this issue – one Coalition Senator and one Non-Coalition Sentaor.