The war in Ukraine opens a door into a strange new world that connects the country's "Jewish" president with a significant population of Nazi extremists and militants.
The connection begins, builds, and confirms itself by studying the many contexts and meanings derived from just one single root word.
The word, in Hebrew, isNazir.
It's similar to the acronym "NAZI" at the outset. But with a little review, it becomes clear that this word provides many significant, but hidden, parallels to NAZI culture. Of course, being a Hebrew word, it plays a large role in encapsulating Jewish culture as well.
It is a significant endevour to begin understanding all the meaning that is packed into this word, and in many related Hebrew words as well, that fit well into important elements of both cultures. But these words cover all the stereotypes you think of when you think of both the Nazis and the "Jews." Mysticism, ethnic superiority, hidden (cryptic) traditions versus outward appearances, financial structures, etc….
If you're interested, start by reading the Wiki page for "Nazir" and then move on from there. After a time, you will be convinced that it is an iconograph that covers both "Nazi" and "Jewish" cultures, and that they are precisely one and the same, just with different outward appearances.
This is actually the KEY to understanding what Nazir signifies, and what being a "Nazi" means or what being "Jewish" really means (for some, I think).
Double Meanings Exist. As the Masons say, there is an Exoteric and an Esoteric meaning for everything….