I asked baker yesterday (bread 20535) to add it.
and baker acted a little strange, not exactly like he wanted to help anons.
first he was not sure if he was allowed to add globals, I explained that this stuff is precisely what global notables are made for, to have people see stuff w/o having to read through all the notables from every bread, later he said he was going to add it, but added it in a way that was complete bs.
best: adding it to globals, so Qanon.pub guys see the request for sure. a request that would help alot of anons looking up Qdrops w/o specifically remembering the exact wording in the post (what word sentences start with)
not much helpful: adding it as normal notable, but with a titel that get´s the attention of Qanon.pub guys.
absolutely not helpful at all: adding it in a way baker did it, making sure it does not even mention Qanon.pub in the notable name and with that making sure Qanon.pub guys have a very hard time finding it, leading to no quick improvement for anons. a baker like this is not here to help and BVs should get rid of him quick.
>>16234584 pb, notable bun 20535
>>16233869 pb, notable name given by baker: global called (don't agree but will add, there are multiple Q agg sites.).
sadly looks like a shill baking again. trying to give the impression of being here to help while making sure the most important stuff is 'missed'. no need for such bakers.
also, there was a BV around at the time of the discussion with baker, bc this BV locked a double baked bread at that very time, but BV did not weigh in, even when asked for it in nice red text.
BV around now?