Well, it's so good and comfy here where we don't speak about violent acts to change things. But over in tik-tok land, some weak, skinny bitches are gonna arm up and take on ol' sleepy Joe! Keks abound!
Trippy! What constellation is that?
And men get shunned for not washing their hands after using the bathroom. Anon can do it without touching anything but a zipper.
Of course bankers are gonna be all "the sky is falling!". When the fed is destroyed by gold, they are all unemployed with no skills.
True, but also gotta have the look and memorize lines. Doubtful that many could hack that.
For all the trouble, one could memorize all the drops and not be bothered with a stupid search.
Kek. Most that would use only one q source would also call a shitposting meme-maker a shill. 'S ok though, still comfy and glad to assist wherever possible.