I've known of this for quite awhile, being told by a reputable source, and then did my own investigation. And I saw the same thing. Not only his ears, but the eyes; and you can't hide your eyes unless you're wearing sunglasses which the fake Biden has done. Also the fatty deposits under his chin, his nose is straighter, and he has a lower hair-line. Plus, if you would take both the photo's side by side exposing his entire upper body, you'll see where the fake Biden doesn't even know how to tie a tie, where I will give the real Biden kudos for that. And I'm always checking out the correct way in which to tie and tie with the indent at the knot. My grandfather taught me when I was a young girl, along with tying bowties. This faker is the pits! He may resemble creepy touchy-bad-feeling Joey Biden, but he's not the real thing.