The biggest and simplest secret is that we are all energy beings that incarnate into every type life form.
The type of life form we incarnate into depends on which lessons we need to learn to advance our spiritual growth.
All of us energy beings all all connected to each other, the energy is the creators energy.
We are all literally part of the creator. Some of us have a better connection than others. The dark ones choose to be disconnected and bury their light but nonetheless we are all connected.
When you see aliens (ET’s) they are the same as you.
When you see animals, they are the same as you.
When you see trees, they are the same as you.
We are all connected, even the elements, rocks etc.
Once you advance enough you can tap into this power and literally move rocks etc with your mind by thought because of this connection on an energetic level.
Do you really think slaves built the pyramids?
We did with thought.