Anonymous ID: f343e2 May 9, 2022, 5:34 a.m. No.16240178   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0181 >>0203 >>0207 >>0309 >>0522


would be great if you could make this post a global and name it in a way it gets the attention of guys.


request for guys: pls rework search function


anons noticed that searching for specific Qdrops is not as convenient on as it has been on

when searching for a specific drop, (almost) always showed more results.


other anon made that same experience:

>>16233490 pb


this anon guesses, due to own experience, that might only show the drops when the sentences start with the keyword you search for, which leads to not all drops being shown and much missed.


maybe computer-wise skilled anons can weight in on that and propose a solution. this not much computer savvy anon guesses it is a quick fix.

Anonymous ID: f343e2 May 9, 2022, 5:35 a.m. No.16240181   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0201 >>0203 >>0525


I asked a baker yesterday (bread 20535) to add it.

and baker acted a little strange, not exactly like he wanted to help anons but quite the opposite.


first he was not sure if he was "allowed" to add globals, I explained that this stuff is precisely what global notables are made for and that it was obviously used like that often in the past. globals are to have people see stuff w/o having to read through all the notables from every bread, later he said he was going to add it, but added it in a way that was complete bs.


best: adding it to globals, so guys see the request for sure. a request that would help alot of anons looking up Qdrops w/o specifically remembering the exact wording in the post (what word sentences start with)


not much helpful: adding it as normal notable, but with a titel that get´s the attention of guys.


absolutely not helpful at all: adding it in a way baker did it, making sure it does not even mention in the notable name and with that making sure guys have a very hard time finding it, leading to no quick improvement for anons. a baker like this is not here to help and BVs should get rid of him quick.


>>16234584 pb, notable bun 20535

>>16233869 pb, notable name given by baker: global called (don't agree but will add, there are multiple Q agg sites.)


sadly looks like a shill baking again. trying to give the impression of being here to help while making sure important stuff is 'missed' and fought against. no need for such bakers.


also, there was a BV around at the time of the discussion with baker, bc this BV locked a double baked bread at that very time, but BV did not weigh in, even when asked for it in nice red text.



I already posted this some time ago, prev bread, not many anons around and no baker in the kitchen. shills were triggered much, so over the target confirmed again, most ridiculous replies below, for the keks:


>>16239715 pb

<this is a board of anons and it´s the hub of Q research and it has a global notable section for just that, but hey, why don´t you just contact the guys via mail and maybe selfdoxx or at least have a harder time doing it?


>>16239746 pb

<pleeeease, no improvements for anons, deep state won´t like it. there is another site with Qdrops, so why even try to improve it? best to keep it like this and block anons wherever possible.


and the winner of glowing shilliness:

>>16239748 pb

<anon, deep state really does not like autists researching their shit, so why don´t you just get used to remembering all the drops by heart?


BV around now to weigh in?

I am sure you see it´s a valid request that would improve the lifes of anons, please put it in globals until guys let anons know that improvement is done and please, don´t let baker form 20535 bake again, as I am sure you see he is not helping but shilling when hiding info with a bs title like that. many thanks for all you do and for volunteering on this board and helping spreading truth and fighting the deep state and fake narratives!

Anonymous ID: f343e2 May 9, 2022, 6:55 a.m. No.16240474   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0476 >>0483 >>0496 >>0503 >>0505 >>0515 >>0568 >>0583 >>0587


did not see any reply. went offline after I said I now go offline, so not exactly hidden.



it obviously is not, and I gave an explanation for why that is the case.

if you like to not have all results shown, it might be perfect for you, but then you should ask yourself, if you are really helping.


>>16240309 always had more results then Qanon.pup had. that is a fact. another anon agreed.

just ry it for yourself, search a Qdrop you know exists and chances are, you won´t find it (and I guess that is due to the keyword you search for not being at the start of the sentence.)

obviously when having a search function, this should show all posts e..g. mentioning "clown" when you search for that keyword, but it does not.



still, baker intentionally hid the info, as I explained, anons saw that in the past quite often, that is what anons called shill bakers, bakers who claim to help but use their position to actually hide relevant stuff.


just readBOspost.

>>16239903 lb

it seems a little wierd to offer that global notables may well be used for announcing changes or reworks on the search function, but to not want to put the request for a change in the globals.

this is a Q board, the hub, obviously guys lurk or post here, and globals would be a good way to catch attention.

really seems odd that BO is not happy with that.

also, seems very odd that BO did not say anything on a baker baking the notable in a way that he made sure the title did not even say "", and with that making kind of sure, it is not at all visible to guys.


and most imprtantly:

the reply from guys is a pic posted.

I am fairly sure that agencies, deep state folks around the world are capable of faking such a reply, bc I guess some skilled teenagers could fake that pic.

obviously the reply is wrong, bc the search function is designed in a way that is just does not show all the post with a specific keyword.

maybe guys know about it and are shilling themselves, or maybe they do not realize that and the reply with the pic by anon is just fake.

only way to make sure, and to make guys actually accountable, is to put it in the global notables and wait for an actual change in the search function.

a BO that wants to help Q and anons sure would not disagree to have one more global that could easily lead to anons having a better time when searching drops.


an owner of a Q research board that does not want it to be made a global and does not even mention the baker that hid the info intentionally just seems very odd.


would be nice if BO could explain, and I am happy to repost over the next few days or weeks to make sure anons can see clearly.

Anonymous ID: f343e2 May 9, 2022, 6:57 a.m. No.16240483   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>16239903 lb

also, I did ask in meta, did that yesterday, and I guess BO could have seen that easily given that he is posting in the general breads with many breads every day when the meta thread has like less than 10 replies each day.

kind of normal to assume BO, when lurking and posting in general, would find the time to read the 5 to 10 posts in meta each day. just the common sense assumtion.

Anonymous ID: f343e2 May 9, 2022, 7:03 a.m. No.16240503   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0527 >>0600



and just to be more specific:


I did not refer to the posts that anons made and that Q replied to, I refer to the FACT that does not show all the results when searching for a specific Qdrop.

if there are e.g. 10 posts with "clown" and you search for "clown", chances are you are only seeing few of them.

obviously that is not the best design of a search function.


>if a suggestion becomes a global notable, then it would see there are very few original anons indeed…

that is a very odd thing to say.

why even be concerned on what becomes a global? why object that an important hint to the owner/operator of an important Q site is put in global notables so the owner/operator has a chance seeing it?

and why the hint on not many original anons, meaning many clowns? what do they expect? deep state just being fine with them being taken down and not a single clown/shill trying to fuck of this board?

really an odd thing to say.


but then again, it is just a pic and there is NO SAUCE WHATSOEVER.

and those deep state clowns sure could fake such a pic,

which is why it needs to be made a global notable to have guys (guys who claim to help) be held kind of accountable

Anonymous ID: f343e2 May 9, 2022, 7:04 a.m. No.16240508   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0584


what is your reply supposed to mean?

do you want to hint on the problem of many shills/clown attacking anons?

or is that a try to say

<better not have important stuff in notables

<better not talk about an obvious shill baker


Anonymous ID: f343e2 May 9, 2022, 7:11 a.m. No.16240550   🗄️.is 🔗kun


there is a QRboard, having global notables to let people who lurk from time to time know important stuff, that is how it was always used.

there is a site that is supposed to show all the Qdrops and they have a search function to make sure anons can find all Q drops when e.g. remembering it had the word "clown" in it.


so, why would I do what you say? and why would you even say it and not agree to the most obvious fact, that the baker who intentionally named it in a bs way, not even mentioning in the title, is an obvious shill?


(I mean, it´s kind of fun that clowns are spending their time making 95% if into notable while leaving out 5%, but it´s just something that every single actual legit anon would like to mention and to have solved.)

Anonymous ID: f343e2 May 9, 2022, 7:28 a.m. No.16240650   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0651 >>0688 >>0700


again, for me and for every sane anon it is just a pic, w/o any sauce, a pic that could easily be faked by a 15yo.


and if "they" had said that they fixed it a couple of days ago, then I would have trusted it a little more, bc a few days ago I did not find a specific drop when searching for it.

when "they" (again, just a pic w/o any sauce) now claim search function is and always had been fine, it is just not true, making it more likely that the whole email writing thing is a fake by agencies/deep state folks, which is, again, very easy to fake.


and be sure, that I will repost it over the next few days and weeks to make sure anons see what is going on, that is of course provided that BO is not explaining himself on

  • why he would rather not have it a global

  • why he did not mention such an obvious shill baker

  • why he asked me to post it in meta when I did just that yesterday

  • why he does not see the clear pattern of shills quickly attacking the info with different bs explanation (one of them being "why don´t you just try to remember all the Qdrops and you are fine) which obviously always shows and had shown over the target


an owner of a Q research board should just be a little more trying to make the whole thing as comfy as possible for anons and should not ignore those clear facts.



just look at this one reply


and realize that it is a much triggered shill.

obviously the site has nothing to do with QR and I never said otherwise, but QR, being the hub as Q said, obviously is just the place to ask such a request to guys and to do the follow up on if this very valid change is made.

and why would I try to set up a blanket or try to shut down the page by just asking them to design their search function, which claims to find all Q drops when searching for a specific Q drop, in a way that it actually does that.

why would that make me glow if I kind of fight for improvement right now and get a ton of triggered replies?

and bc I know shills and clowns and their desperate moves or trying to put pressure on anons quite well, let me ask very directly:

is that your try to force me to shut up by saying "you either shut up now or we will take down the site bc when we are not able to hide some relevant drops as controlled opposition, then there is no point in providing the other 99% of the info anyway? do you really think this would be a smart move? or would it put more focus on the whole thing, leading to other reactions? (clowns learned that basically every reaction is just fucking them some more)

and why call me fed? when have anons ever call shills feds? new to this whole fighting against freedom thing? better get out quick, or there will not be a way for you.


BO, I am sure you see it the same way, the common sense way. shill bakers are no good. triggered shills trying to fight a well meant and prolly very easy improvement are glowing. globals are just done for exactly that.


again, having it a global and do follow up and (respectively remove the global only when changes are made) is the only way to actually hold people accountable who claim to present Q drops in a way so anons can access them.

Anonymous ID: f343e2 May 9, 2022, 7:32 a.m. No.16240681   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0687


again? so you read my post when you had already filtered me?

do you even know that fitering means or are you part of what is left over in clown town and not nearly aware what you are trying to go against?

seriously, break free, or you will go down.

Anonymous ID: f343e2 May 9, 2022, 7:38 a.m. No.16240729   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0747


not only is that not true bc it has been used for many announcements to "outside" folks in the past, and obviously to draw a line between anons and not-anons is pretty stupid, given that anons are anons,

but obviously having a section of notables which was set up (you maybe don´t know, but there have not always been notables on 8) in a way that only important stuff is put there so it can be seen w/o reading through the many breads baked each day is a thing that could and, using common sense, would be used to try to let guys know that their search function is not working best.


and only posting a meme basically stating that you are the oldest of oldfags and were arount when frontholes were faggot (see, can also do that) is not going to be much convincing, as you fight something that just makes complete sense and would be a nice improvement for anons.

why don´t you want that improvement? bc you are here to help and dig, meme, prey or bc you are here, desperately trying to stop what is not to be stopped?

Anonymous ID: f343e2 May 9, 2022, 7:57 a.m. No.16240869   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0891


>it works as intended.

if it works as intented then it must be intended to not show all the Q drops containing a certain word when typing that word into the search box.

doesn´t really convince me.


>Contact him if you don't trust me, I don't give a shit. He will confirm that my screenshot is real.

and why would you know it is a he?


> returns the same results as

I never used, and heard of it first time when you (or someone from your team / clown town) mentioned it yesterday in a desperate "pleeeease no improvement" post.


> simply does not include the reply tree, that is all.

I already explained, more than once now, that this is not what I refer to, but to actual posts made by Q that do not show up on - well visible by the fact that when searching for the same exact keyword, always showed more results.


>Tell me, does the very first Q drop say (Q said) that Hillary would get arrested in 2017? Or does it not?

and what kind of question is that?

is that supposed to try me if I am a newfag shill or is that supposed to look like you would know stuff?

wouldn´t is be very easy for me, if I was a shill and never heard of Q, to just go look up the first drop?

really an odd question.

like if you want to find out if ronaldo really knows about football by asking him, hey, that metal thing over there with the net, you you know what that is called?

just utterly ridiculous. and kind of shills.


interdasting, just found proof that the search function is bs. bc there is a post in all caps saying that clowns have no clue what there are up against (which I wanted to post just now to let you know that), and when searchig for "clown" it does not show up - why? bc search function is bs. I really wonder why exactly that post does not show up when searching. will try to find it now.