I may have found a link in the Clinton Global Initiative trafficking chain.
The Clinton-Guistra Enterprise Partnership.
The whole web site is your typical NGO vomit language / layout but what it essentially does is harvest the humans of every tiny village in the developing world.
The two major aspects of the CGEP are:
Get in contact with thousands of very small time 'farmers,' sell them fertilizer & farming things so that that small farmer can access the CGEP's distribution network and supposedly gain access to large retailers all over the world.
Make contact with thousands of women in the developing world in order to set up what sounds like door-to-door sales of products from Nestle, Unilever, etc. ..
So I can't decide if this is just a straight up pyramid scheme type of deal or if it might be a way to traffic people/drugs using the vast 'distribution & supply chain' system they have set up under cover of "providing opportunities to underserviced communities"
or I guess it might be legit. (ha)
Remember that Guistra has that creepy org in Greece which uses a pedo logo and is involved in refugees. He also donated $24 million to the Clintons in 2014.
Clinton Guistra website: http://cgepartnership.com/who-we-are/mission/