Anonymous ID: ac3f6a May 9, 2022, 10:22 a.m. No.16241859   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Good thing we archived offline.

They are dying.

They are not sending their best

Trust me bro

sauce: my own weird life.

Feds gonna fed, wear cheesy cowboy boots with no core strength at all.

These people really are stupid.

Anonymous ID: ac3f6a May 9, 2022, 11:36 a.m. No.16242399   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2403


An inexorable sequence of natural electromagnetic events is unfolding that demands our full attention, and underlies the shifting currents of human consciousness. Ancient Sanskrit knowledge maintained by the Maya culture explicitly describes the events surrounding the end of this solar cycle, as retold in many forms throughout the indigenous prophecies and wisdom traditions of the world. It is said humanity will be transformed in the red light of cosmic consciousness - quite directly telling us 'man becomes god.'


Mayan wisdom identifies the energetic changes of December 22, 2012 to June 22, 2020 as a period in which the Earth will experience the progressive effect of a synchronization ray emitted from the center of the galaxy. These events are described as resulting from an alignment of Earth with the galactic plane, which will initiate a 5.5-year build-up process that will ignite Earth's high atmosphere in an all-encompassing red aurora on June 25, 2021. The Pyramid of Fire Codex foretells that the sky itself will be in flames, and the red flames will spread amongst the pyramids - from one 'Hill of the Star' to another along flaming plumes of celestial water:


Tláloc, God of Celestial Water, god of the vapor that rises, from the earth warmed by the sun after the rains, god of the mist that ascends from the valleys at dawn… Tláloc is the return of vapor that strains to rise, is the return of time that strains to remember. Tláloc, God of the Fight Against the Current, with whose aid the hero battles against the torrent toward his own origin and beginning, towards the wings of his soul, the wings that Tláloc hides in the hero's past…


It is the self within ourselves that we have to sacrifice. It is our own heart that has to be torn out of the false being and offered to the light. May Xiuhtecuhtli, Lord of Fire, burn my false being, May Itzli, Obsidian Knife, liberate my heart. To sow life in the fires of sacrifice: Are the flames rising on the Hill of the Star, toward Cauhlacan? Or is it my own heart that is afire?

Anonymous ID: ac3f6a May 9, 2022, 11:37 a.m. No.16242403   🗄️.is 🔗kun




The cycle of years is past - the waiting ended. Come - reunite, pilgrims, for the sky is in flames! From Xochicalco to Teotíhuacan the red spreads one step, another step, and another, only twelve short steps from the cave of the womb to the final conflagration… The flames rage in consummation- Rise, oh flames! What light, what heat! What great holocaust! The smoke ascends and spirals… Obscurity disappears as the flames rise to Tonatiuh, the purest light.


The kundalini technology of the pyramids employs the crystalline memory of celestial waters to awaken human divinity at sacred temples like Teotihuacan, meaning 'site-where-man-becomes-God.' The resonant frequency of the Pyramid of the Sun at Teotihuacan closely matches the 1.45 Hz heartbeat oscillation of the Great Pyramid due to its comparable base length of 740'. Itza Mayan Elder Hunbatz Men describes the pyramids as generators of the brilliant light of heaven that imbues the human being with eternal life. Cosmic Creator Hunab K'u guides the initiatic work of the Mayan Elders at their sacred pyramids:


"Take care of the light that I leave within my temple. When you form the human being, teach him to venerate my house, for within it they will find the light they need for eternal life. Teach him also that if he should stray, due to his errors, vices or ignorance, then I, Hunab K'u will reclaim my beloved beings and take them to my temple of wisdom and nourish them again with my light which is in the heavens. Then, together, Tepeu, Gugumatz and Huyubcaan will perform purification rituals using that brilliant light for the benefit of my beloved whom we created and molded, so they can live in the light of eternal wisdom."


A heavenly life-giving light radiating inside pyramid chambers is also related in hieroglyphic texts inscribed on the interior walls of the pyramids of Saqqara, Egypt. Profound details of the luminal and acoustic effects of the Great Pyramid transducer in full operation have been recorded in stone:


House bright and dark of Heaven and Earth, for the [solar] ships put together; Great Pyramid, House of the gods with pointed peak; for Heaven-to-Earth it is greatly equipped. House whose interior glows with a reddish Light of Heaven, pulsating a beam which reaches far and wide; its awesomeness touches the flesh… House of Eternity: its foundations are stones, the water; its great circumference is set in the clay. House the rightness of whose howling the Great-Ones-Who-See-and-Orbit bring down to rest… Mountain by which Utu ascends… whose deep insides men cannot penetrate.

Both the Egyptian and Mayan hieroglyphs are descendant forms of the ancient logographic Sanskrit, as deciphered by epigrapher Dr. Kurt Schildmann (1909-2001). This antediluvian proto-Sanskrit can be identified as the Atlantean script, having been found on all inhabited continents of the world on stone and ceramic artifacts dated to the Pleistocene period - being over 12,000 years old. The pyramid traditions of these cultures of Atlantean descent provide us with stunningly explicit descriptions of future events tied into the ancient Sanskrit conception of water as the transformative agent of consciousness.


The Atlantean psychoacoustic technology of quartz crystal skulls reflects the Sanskrit tradition of augmenting consciousness through the purification and crystallization of the water within the human body. The refraction of light within the human body that is fueled by crystalline water enables the higher capacities of human consciousness by biorhythmic alignment at 1.45 Hz heartbeat entrainment in the pyramid chambers. The Great Pyramid's upper chamber does not contain a sarcophagus - the granite box was actually a water-birthing resonator filled with celestial water. The closed shafts rising from the chambers are its "deep insides men cannot penetrate", designed to focus infrasound heartbeats at 1.45 Hz into the tiny newborn infants. Usually born as twins, the infants' skulls were elongated by this process.