Jake Tapper has a bad case of the anger/hate/panic emotion today. CNN went to a Doug Mastriano rally at the area around the indoor pool at a motel. CNN went to record the rally but at the check-in desk they were told: no TV news allowed. The didn't reckon of how smart cnn is. There were 2nd story rooms with balconies facing the pool area. cnn got one of those rooms and a reporter and the TV crew was on the balcony. Oh yeah, they had a reporter fake their identity and got into the area. Nobody is going to pull anything over on cnn.
Anyway, Jake is deathly afraid of Doug Mastriano for some reason. There's like 20 people running in next Tuesday's primary for the Republican side. But……. Donald J. Trump endorsed Mastriano. And Mastriano at his rally pushed the big lie that there was fraud in the 2020 election in Pennsylvania without evidence.
Cable news is in too deep. There is nothing they can do except await their fate while lying and screeching: all those telling the truth are lying.