Connecting a bunch of dots. Maybe.
Theory: Q14 refers to May 14, 1948, Truman officially recognized Israel.
>How is POTUS always 5-steps ahead?
>Who is helping POTUS?
We are "5-steps" ahead of the 74th anniversary of that today at 6:11pm if time zone shenanigans don't alter it.
Delta to the notorious "R-post" sure do make interdastin digits, esp since delta from R-post is Q1415 "23 P@in" drop number of days (1,415).
From Truman:
272? J+F+K 2
313? Zapruder frame
355? JFK 2
Delta from 11/22/63 sollid too.
Delta from POTUS tweet related to something that would kill the banksters just happens to be 1948. "SAD $16.50" price makes "22/9/5" date. Coincidence? I'm always wrong, so disregard, kek.