Who znd what is Apallo? Fucking shills are so stupid…
It is spelt Apollo, not Apallo….Where are you kitty?
You missed the whole, there is no such thing as APALLO! Grrrr…you all make me so angry today!
Conspiracy: Conspiracy
An agreement between two or more persons to engage jointly in an unlawful or criminal act, or an act that is innocent in itself but becomes unlawful when done by the combination of actors.
Theory: Legal theory refers to the principle under which a litigant proceeds, or on which a litigant bases its claims or defenses in a case. It can also be the law or body of rules of conduct which are of binding legal force and effect, prescribed, recognized, and enforced by a controlling authority.
>Lugol's Iodine
The whole point of the Great Awakening is the ability to AWAKEN yourself. Here is a place to start…lazy, ass fucking sleeper….
>battle hard on Captcha Hill
Only a Battle hardened Captcha survivor would know. Suck it, anon…had the WORST fucking sleep of my life last night with all the habbenings. Not in the mood for stupidity or laziness today.
I will pray for a return of patience before bed, until then…
PICKLING SALT, Kosher salt or Sea salt…if this is not available to you then you are in a world of hurt.
>suffering's a part of life
NO, it is not. That is propaganda in its finest you POS luciferian.
Are you a person who just loves any form of a good intellectual discussion and you find that to be very attractive. Then, you can be a sapiosexual.
Don't bring this shite here without explanation.
Fun and exciting would be to see the agents of our humanities destruction, who came up with shite like this, imprisoned or exhiled and when necessary, put to death: So that what they are try ing to do to us can NEVER happen again.