Yin sanpaku
Sanpaku eyes is the indication of physical or mental health issues. Sanpaku eyes clearly indicates that the person is facing severe health issue, trauma or managing unwanted emotions within.
Sometimes emotions get overloaded and act like emotional tsunami. The person tries to compress his emotions which may lead to unusual physical and mental behaviour.
Some of the persons’ born with sanpaku Eyes but it’s rare. If you are having sunpaku eyes by birth naturally then no need to you worry about. But if you have started noticing sanpaku eyes effect recently then it’s time for you to get alert.
After reading it till the end you’ll get to know the symptoms, causes, triggers and natural treatments of sanpaku eyes. First of all let’s get know “what is the meaning of sanpaku eyes?”
What are Sanpaku Eyes
According to Old Asian Diagnostic Traditions sanpaku eyes reflect person’s physical and mental condition. This feature indicates that person is fearful, feeling insecure, suspicious, tends to misunderstand. And moreover the person is in extreme fatigue, with sick organs like heart, liver, kidney, lungs.
In these conditions sclera starts appearing three sides. Extra to upper or beneath the iris. Correctly said that eyes are the way to look person’s heart and inner soul. This proverb correctly fits here.
It is the clear signal that the person is dealing with unwanted emotions. It is divided into two categories:
Yin Sanpaku Eyes
In yin sanpaku eyes- sclera shows at the lower to the iris. It also called sapaku eyes below.. It indicates the feeling of fear, insecurity and shows the feeling of threat or danger from the world.
disorder, eye injury or cancer may also lead to sanpaku eyes. It can also be the result of imbalance of endocrine or severe physical trauma.
Underlying Conditions: Sometimes there are several conditions which may trigger to sanpaku eyes. It could be extreme fatigue, low blood pressure, unconciousness, depression or other health issue related to heart, kidney, liver.
Yin Sanpaku is the whites of the eyes at the bottom or the yang sanpaku with whites showing at the top (dont ne around yang, they are violent and could be insane)
This guy is yin and not very bright