I believe that this summer the Deep State is about to release their MK Ultra Army ( Army of Digital Soldiers controlled through Technology) onto the streets of America. BLM, Antifa, Pro Abortion etc will hit the streets to create Anarchy and chaos in the cities and else where. This summer will be one of the hottest (Chaos) we have ever experienced unless God performs a miracle! We can help mitigate or even STOP this through prayer and warfare! God can perform miracle! If you're an MK Ultra survivor Be careful who you follow! Churches, Prophetic Ministries, Seminaries, and certain conference's and such, will lure you in to gain your confidence that you're safe, all while reprogramming you! They are using codes, numbers, colors, and yes even scriptures to reprogram or brainwash the people. Why? To steer them into a certain direction of a One World Religion under the guise of Unity and Patriotism, and they will use the people of GOD and Religion to do it! Learn to Discern, if not read the signs!