God Bless all anons and Swordy!
Some anons are revolted my God’s mention.
They take it out though on SwordAnon which isn’t fair. We know who/what they are, the detractors, haters, shills and atheists!
God Bless all anons and Swordy!
Some anons are revolted my God’s mention.
They take it out though on SwordAnon which isn’t fair. We know who/what they are, the detractors, haters, shills and atheists!
The property in Studio City — including a home with six bedrooms and bathrooms, a swimming pool, a soundstage and office space — is meant to be both a meeting venue and a campus for Black artists.
For Black Artists? Black only? They have surely received Big Money, Corporate Money, Govt Money?
They are given a license to discriminate too!
An observation: Jewish supremacy is what they practice. They don’t even hide it!
Look at the percentage as a population and you’ll see why people say the things they say ( which is always countered with calls and accusations of antisemitism) like why are all the doctors, lawyers, diamond dealers, jewelry makers, US politicians, body parts salesmen, pro-abortion advocates all fucking Jewish!
Don’t try to to tell me it’s because they are smart!
Diabolical and bigots, yes, smart? Not so much.
Mark my words… Trumps Pa endorsed Oz will not win!
I’m voting Barnett only because of everything she says and does! Many Pa voters are confused by Trumps selection. We are smart enough to see a black woman, in Democrat strongholds like Pittsburgh and Philly, will get more votes.