If only you knew how bad things are
If only you knew how bad things are
"Tear Down this wall" was in the Ghost in the machine video
People are actually trying to figure something out here and trying to connect the dots
We are wrong many times
But you are not advancing the discussion,
tell me how I am wrong and I wont waste my time chasing wild theories
This place used to be all about digging now everything just gets called a larp to shut people down
I wasnt fortunate enough to be here when Q was but you kept the ship "tidy" and friendy to newcomers
Now you just shutdown anyone who either doesnt know the whole story or parts of it
This board is proof that the good in humanity will allways reach out to one another in pursuit of truth
I know you are tired and angry…you have seen people cheer at decisions you know are designed to enslave them but dont be mad at the people here searching for truth
Some of us just came here way later than you did and dont have the whole picture yet