You are putting too much effort into your B.S Try taking off the cape.. Or continue because we live in an Existence without consequence eh?
Come to the Dark side..There is always room for Folks like you!
lol cuz your a silly little larp of a being, the totality of your existence is based on the lies of those you give your power (But..I didn't vote them in..All the while towing their ship across the corpses of those you would liken to yourself) but mock those whom seek the truth and all the means being good that they use to find it..
You are small and cast this upon others..
Perhaps.. But the same can be said about/to you.. replace Searching for truth with Accepting a lie..
You want conflict..You want to put those whom you disagree in a place beneath you.. You cast words to make yourself big..
I do Not Have religion I seek Truth..
Thoth? Satan? Jesus? Or an unknown because it's hard to see that which has been hidden? I'm attempting what if's..
Q is The Swiss army knife that was/is needed..There are still elements yet to be implemented.. Squeaky wheels..
For those with The Eyes to See..