so, they won't get sepsis from an amputation? how do they handle the stump from an amputation with no bandages? this is tarded
but not cauterize a wound. gotta cut the thing off first. uh huh
I've been pretty supportive of BO/BV and the spam deletions etc except they are deleting the "genital mutilation" faggots posts and issuing a 1 minute ban for spam, yet ebots shit stays and eats up all the bread. This is getting pretty stupid
not a newfag just sick of it
don't patronize me. they all come back. digital soldier. 66m. all of them come back. that doesn't mean their shit has to stay in the bread
fuck that. she encourages the minions to harass SC judges she can get a taste of her own medicine.
So I'm an idiot for questioning questionable "rules"? mmk
post a pic of the keyboard both sides
go be an annoying little gnat somewhere else.
that pic proves nothing
lighten up, francis
god you're stupid.
quick search on that brand says it's bluetooth and rechargeable?
hell if I know. would suggest disconnecting from the signal and letting charge for awhile to see if you can get it to 100%