So, laugh if you must…but anon found self in some weird rabbit web home last week, and it was all about the extra planet, Nibiru, or “X” - and how it will make some sort of cosmic impact on earth, and that it is fully able to be predicted, PROVIDING you have the true info about the nature of the universe/sky. Even non-astrologers, as the event gets closer, will be able to notice something is off in the sky, likely noticing this object on clear days. The event is described as cataclysmic, a real game changing reset, and has happened several other times in ancient history (think Mayan, etc). Proof of this earlier impact, it said, is the unusual red clay soil found in parts of the southern US and other locations. Apparently it’s the “tail” of this thing that whacks the planet.
The signs for regular folk are 1) noticing the new object in sky, with the naked eye and 2) terrifying RED SKIES and waters.
Perhaps this has something to do with the excess chem trail fuckery recently first thing in the am? Trying to blur the ability to see the thing, which will CERTAINLY cause panic and demand some answers?
Sky event? Biblical?
Anyway…not one to usually be troubled by weird websites, and you faggots send anon to a lot of them, this really bothered Anon. Like it settled in that part of self that knows truth when it stumbles upon it. Bugged anon enough to tell Hunny, who predictably didn’t care.
But then China has been looking weird as fuck and they are blaming it on red fishing boat lights. As if they’ve never had the red lights before? Every chinaman just bought red fishing lights and the locals didn’t know? Mmmmmm-k.
Apparently, this precedes a rising Atlantic on the eastern US, and mountains will continue to “grow” - so get inland, and be way above sea level, but not the mountains. Or don’t.