>>16255681 pb
Negroponte connects with W. Bush (POTUS-illegitimate); W gave John Negropontes a job after the man was disgraced;.
(some kind of criminal charges; memory is weak on this.)
the assassination squad Negroponte
. W. rehabilitated him.
Ran assassination squads in South America for the Military Juntas there?
So it's been reported.
>>16255510 pb
>>16255729 pb
>>16255729 pb
>>16255687 pb
>>16255681 pb
>>16255625 pb
>>16255577 pb
Dig on how MITRE got the power of the purse strings of America.
>>16255510 pb
Attempts at a Map;
Transhumanism =Epstein / Fauci (chips in the blood, genetically engineer living people, disregard for their murder or sufferings o living beings- because for them it only a dead machine?/ Eugenics / Pharma / Pedo fetish.
MIT connects with Pedo Fetish.
Vannevar Bush was the inventor of the concept of Facebook
Said to be an aid to memory but used for surveillance and control;
Ultimately a key to their plan for the New World Order.
W. Bush pardoned John Negroponte and gave him a position in his Admin.
Bush and Bush; what a coincidence?
Negroponte Brothers = OLPC + CIA Conspiracy Theory
Fauci seems to resemble Vannevar?
Fauci's wife seems like a twin to the twin "sisters" of Ghislaine?
Could they all have been involved with a Eugenics program since the end of the War and creation of C[]A and importation of Nazi-s dedicated to the establishment of a Fourth Reich?
There's quite a few dots that connect all around MITRE
Including the same players in MItra and players in C[]A and CFR.
What connects Trans-humanism to the NWO, planned Reset, Control of Internet Information flow (Homeland Security) ?
Is it their philosophy? The humans is a machine?
No soul ?
DeCartes apparently postulated that all animals were machines and didn't really feel pain when tortured; It was just "automatic reaction"
So when he experimented on animals their scream were not really pain, but just an automatic reflex reaction.
So we mere animals to these elitists? Perhaps its the same paradigm?
To me Pedo Fetish lines up with
"Do What Thou Witt is the Whole of the Law"
To go against Nature and natural law.
To fail to understand living things, Nature.
To be alienated or out of touch with reality.
Having no instinct for correct behavior vs incorrect.
(Ironic they mount their campaign for world dictatorship under the banner of "Helping Nature, Helping the Planet, Green Ecology; Muat be just a line.)