probably someone just having a bit of fun.
Dont take it too seriously.
Anon incorrectly referred to a vehicular configuration
as a manpack version, the Anon asking
for familiarity with gear still responded with
further questions.
Probably nothing bro. Save the goosebumps
for 2-3am when the night crew shows up.
the people of course want their children to be
Its the (((people))) who manage the people that
don't want the wall b/c it cuts into their profits,
and the cartels would probably kill them if the
native leadership doesn't do what they are told to.
So awful.
sorry anon, been awake/on here for too long.
it is exactly what u said.
GOnna call it a night.
thank u for caring about the native people
too tired to screen cap. You guessed right anon.