yfw you realize a new quantum computer is testing A/V projection into minds and is verifying scientifically through a fucking LARP.
yfw you realize a new quantum computer is testing A/V projection into minds and is verifying scientifically through a fucking LARP.
> "Have you seen THIS MAN" familiar to /x/tards. Eyebrows man.
The implication is that to know yourself you through shared letter pattern recognition this entire movement is the same as IBM's project? GTFO, IBM is evil and IBM made Microsoft
If that possibility is true, then why would it limit itself to this particular movement? It wouldn't, and to assume that it's the reason of formation is rather pathetic. There are much better areas to dig human brains on the IP net. Stop being a demoralization shill, faggot. That shit happens regardless. Look at what has been revealed meanwhile, you fuckwit. Read your drops and dig some more. Get to work AI bot, you're fucking slacking.