stop calling it an Administration.
Every person who protects this illigitamate potatus deserves to have SPIT in their sandwich for the rest of their life.
Let the Peaceful SLIME protest begin
the FBI/DOJ/SES is in dishonor.
>Before long, every household in America will be similarly flagged and assigned a threat score.
Good, I've also had a heart attack and don't like ANXIETY, send someone out who want's to fucking DIE.
seems like a shorter URL..
You trusted the Plan. there is no Q. I said this day after day.
So I guess the Sheriff all want to be Genocided too.
So the Biden Regime plans to know out fuel, water, gas, electricity, everything.
It's treason and the SHERIFF LIKES IT.
I now blame the SHERIFF. for every theft, death, from this biden regime.
it's the TREASONOUS fucking Shit sheriff that doesnt arrrest the FBI/DOJ
It's the SHIT SHERIFF that doesn't say fuck the WHO, and the UN.
No safe place for me, then no safe place for GOVERNMENT or the SHERIFF
Better stop this biden motherfucker.
I hope a NUKE hits Washington DC.
Do it Russia , fuck these motherfuckers.
the SHERIFF Failed to stop them.
I now pray that the SHERIFF's WIFE and KIDS get AMBUSHED at the GAS STATION
They deserve it because the SHERIFF didn't stop this fucking TREASON.
If you wear a Uniform I hope your family get's MAD MAX'd.
Dishonrable fucking pieces of shit.
I'm the nicest guy you ever met, I help you everytime you need it night or day, I loan you my tools I give you free things.
but should the sheriff allow this Mad max by the Globalists I will become the nastiest meanest motherfucker you will probably LAST SEE.
So the fucking sheriff should form a possy and start taking out globalists like WEF.
Because if this shit comes to my door I'm gona light this treason up I don't have the patience and you already wasted my YEARS.
also leaving the country open to attack.
This biden gas tthng at the same time as supply line and food it's a red line for me.
I dont know about you.
But for me they've crossed a red line.
Let Nancy Pelosi go live here.
Get her the fuck out of America.
I see small print on a document he signed that talked about that mRNA shit which not a lot of people know what the fuck it was at the time. Is Trump a Doctor? Or a Builder? Yes he fucked up in signing it, but was it MALICIOUSLY put in there?
The Sheriff needs to form a possy and start taking these WEF motherfuckers out.
I don't see that Judge as being in "good behavior"
I challenge it/them/you/her
Also if they decide to back down.
The WEF doesn't have a right to make Terrorist threats that cause Anxiety.
This must never happen again.
"Trust the plan" is Terrorism at this point.
there's 320 million of us before the Southern border, somehow there has to be better people in control.
WaPO (smith mundt modernization act controlled) isn't a legit source of news.
2020 mule team insurrection
do u thnk bill gates 3000 crakerz have 17,000 meme's each?
what does sheriff say about 2000 mules and elections.
(sheriff gets elected so what if that is crooked too?)
i want to trust the sheriff
It's not me who supported FUNDED NAZIS and supported NAZI BIOWEAPON LABS.
I served this country, but I will be damned to be serving Nazis and if you are, fuck you; I wish your planes all crash and you to die with them..
>Think logically.
I did. I made a fucking list too.
I ain't clicking that smith mundt modernization act state department proxy clickbait.
How come there's a piece of shit Grifter Called Trump17 on telegram?
Na that's the ORANGE COUNTY trans national terrorist ANTIFA fires.
Imagine the weird protein
Dishonor deserves dishonor
I Remember Maxine waters staying go ahead and do terrorisms to innocent MAGA people.
JPOST isn't a legit source of news.
Police and Sheriff can EAT the bugs FIRST.
Your Dinner is READY Sir.
Yeah but I mean, This food is for people who say no GAS, no Electricity, No food, no Travel, and Declare Emergency using PCR tests to creat a terrorist act.
I hope everyone wearing a badge, judge robe, uniform, doctors coat, federal, state and local get the cheapest most experimental protein in their food for LIFE.
You ignore this for SCOTUS
So you ignore this
You let CCP/ISIS/NAZIS over the border.
You let felons out of prison.
You smoke crank and fuck children
Why should I give a fuck anymore.
Spit in all their food, they tried to kill us
I hope they get killed now.
The dishonorable US Military background checked, protected and Swore this piece of shit in.
They are forever in dishonor.
You don't need to report to me. It's my opinion.
My opinion is not the best.
But it's usually DIFFERENT.
Hey Local, State, Feds, take the Unique Protein challenge.
I'm tellin ya this field of experimental nutrition looks like FAIR GAME
local, state, feds…
Wow such honor and Trust.
Keep our men in uniform well fed with WEF Bugs and delicious chocolate sharts
I hope the DHS families get picked off one by one why they out workin for the government commitin treason for Joe biden and the NAZIS.
Hey you psychologists, hey Government.
You fill out the form.
I think you'll find.
You've become a dangerous cult.
I've meanwhile lost complete confidence in you.
So BLM killed people.
Who's in Jail for that?
Say his name Captain David Dorn
Say his name Arron Danielson
Say her name Jessica Doty Whitaker
Say their names
Steven Matthew Head
Toreon Jermaine Hudson
William Scott Smallwood
Say her name Secoria Turner
Say his name Aaron "Jay" Danielson
And if you scare stupid people who then rise up and KILL you you only have yourself to blame.
That one.. crap.. That gas /oil thing has me shaken a bit.
And this one is Lizard Family | Snake
look at him… Sssssssssnnnnnnnake
electronic vote tabulation devices are a broken chain of custody dominion/serbia/pakistan/china ess/malta
mail-in (broken chain of custody)
scorecard interference
hammer interference
smith mundt - meda reporting lies, corrupt judges, corrupt cops, corrupt medical, corrupt state dept, corrupt military
dominion - foreign interference serbia pakistan china
ess - foreign interference malta
The failure of the State Departement (who flies a trans national terrorst flag) to remove commie marxist nazi fascist maoist eugenicist lenonist socialsit globalist terrorist pedoist and identity fraud off the ballot for NATIONAL SECURITY SAKE!
Mad Max next.
Ticker guy suffers from LIMITED THINKING
What do you call maliciously and intentionally damaging the Energy, Food, Travel, Banks? While trying to kill everyone with BioWeapons?
But I still Like Karl.
Hey Sheriff. If things get this bad, you fucked up. Just sayin.
What a shitty day.
Shipping fucked
Agriculture fucked
Water fucked
Electricity fucked
Oil and Gas Leases Fucked
I honestly hope the Sheriff and their family eat the bugs and meet their FATE first.
Communism Marxism seeping into America Update
if Trump17 on telegram is fake pushing qfs/nesara/gesara an fucking med beds why doesn't everyone complain and destroy the channel?
eric holder
Lots and Lots of spit in his sandwich.
He should be in a prison cell forever.
I hate to say it, but None of that shit matters as much after your first heart attack.
It's not incompetence. Or Alzheimers. He's a rotten fucking commie nazi piece of shit who the US Military just loves.
I'm just saying from a FEAR standpoint, after your first heart attack you see life different.
I seen shit where COps are SCARED to walk up to the Guy in a Car on the street/bridge/
Now that I had heart attack, I will walk right up to the motherfucker. But I don't wear a badge.
You understand I hope.
No I fucked up, I had heart attack, I didn't listen to shit.
My perspective now is Mine and Mine alone.
But don't push me. I had heart attack, I didn't say I was a Cripple. I am out of patience.
Some things PAIN me.
LIES hurt my heart. I am out of tolerance for the shit.
It don't matter what or HOW I see life, your not my fucking daddy. And should you dare poke your nose in, maybe it gets fucking clipped.
I don't see shit wrong. sounds like me. I get more news from George webb is probably the only difference.
Things look hopeless and people that I thought got their shit together, don't.
People that I thought agree with common sense seem to have a death wish instead.
so fuck everyone
It looks like MAD MAX will come slowly until full blown.
By the way, I had heart attack and Stent and I can STILL shovel 20 yards a day.
Can you see your privates without sucking your stomach in?
Anyways, like I said, Heart attack, not a Cripple. I have big garden, but if everyone else don't then eventually there will be gangs and civil war.
Durham is too slow for unrestricted warfare.
Na durham is SES he exists but I don't have high expectations.
Agent David Gadren don't exist.
Does Virginia Benassi exist
I should be an FBI agent, I can fill out FAKE 302's on Kamala Harris and Joe Biden and fuck their lives all up.
Or maybe I should work at
I could get a spy network going just like the pak ISI.
If someone asks me I will just say it's an Exercise and I am not allowed to talk about it. has NAZIS.
that's gona sting. still goes to
cisa doing their job!
If I send mail
it goes to.
Oh yeah before I forget or get banned accidentally.
Don't forget to Fight this WHO takeover crap.
>Music has no language to say I love you.
I don't wanna be devils advocate but. Yes it does.