If "Qanon" is a domestic terror threat, why hasn't this platform been seized yet?
Is Dan out of touch or are they sitting back enjoying life because they know what's coming? The optic of Trump enjoying a day of golf while most families can't feed their children is pretty gross.
Not the pointโฆand a gross understanding of the situation at handโฆ
This is akin to the chicago police force recording themselves playing volleyball.
Most anons here look to Trump as their savior much like people look to the police force as theirs. Apologizing for him getting fat, taking donations, crying/whining on Truth Social and playing golf proves the group think here is off the chart.
> I've been here long enough to understand that he's merely an actor like everyone else in this shit-show.
Translation: "I've been here long enough to think like everyone else on this board"
Translation: "You hit the nail on the head with most anons here being in a group-think tank, so now I'm scorned."
>Who are you to say what people are thinking and beleiving?
I'm not saying anything - anons here are saying it: apologizing for Trump. It's pretty funny
>ou are Exhibit A in the Loss of Critical Thinking Skills
Translation: "I'm big mad for being called out in the group-think tank"