There is a political weapon being used to increase this 'other than oneself' psychology in individual human beings, to weaken them.
So pronounced a victim can ingest it that they will see everyone else as necessarily 'other than themselves' too.
"No no no, YOU are faking who you are, old lady, I on the other hand am not faking being a woman, I am escaping the evil divided world by ritually donning clothing and makeup that in fact mocks women, I mutilate my genitalia, and start accusing others who disagree with me with yet another artificial dialectic inversion of 'you're guilty of transphobia'.
The satanic cult is pushing a narrative designed to demoralize people into seeing themselves as 'other than themselves', as 'living in exile', as 'born in the wrong body'.
It's the same ancient logic.
The logic of 21st century 'transhumanism' is nothing but a rehashed Platonic theology of self-alienated minds trying to replace God to be God by destroying their own bodies in the name of escaping it.
It's the same ideology spanning OVER 2000 YEARS, taking one form after another, if it isn't 'proletariats' and 'capitalists' suffering from 'unbearable disjunction', if it isn't 'races of people' suffering from an unbearable , if it isn't 'religious affiliation' suffering from 'unbearable disjunction', it's now 'man and woman' suffering from 'unbearable disjunction'.
It's all the same narcissistic ideology sourced by a logic that STARTS with the doctrine that The One Source is inherently divided, that God is divided.
Anon notices that the loudest men dressing up as women, who 'shout the slogans' and go into attack mode to 'fight' a non existent enemy called XX XY chromosomes and Man and Woman, they all seem to have the same emotional intelligence of narcissistic personality disorder.
That their Minds are so lofty that they conclude God mind is making mistakes.
This is an ancient form of ideological despotism to mentally enslave populations who are targeted with this division, and those targeting the people are doing so KNOWINGLY.